What WordPress Themes are Pre-Installed on My Site?

For your convenience, PressHarbor pre-installs a variety of themes to your site.
Our WordPress Auto-Update System will install the latest version of these themes whenever they are updated. For this reason, you should not customize any of the pre-installed themes as your changes would be erased when our Auto-Update System writes over your revised version of the theme with an updated version of the original theme.
If you would like to customize one of the pre-installed themes, you should first download a copy of it to your computer. Make your customizations locally, then re-upload the customized version of your theme to a new directory within the themes directory of your web server.

How do I Redirect my RSS feed to FeedBurner?

Feedburner is a service which can provide significant enhancements to your RSS feed, providing you with improved statistics about who is reading your feed as well as making it easier for you to enable your blog’s feed to be compatible with iTunes for podcasting and videoblogging.
Feedburner has provided a Plugin called FeedBurner FeedSmith to redirect your default RSS feed to your new FeedBurner feed, allowing you to track all your RSS subscribers.
Download the plugin and learn how to install it from the Feedburner Quick Start for WordPress page:
You will upload the FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin file using an FTP client to your Plugins directory at: